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"Perspective" - Score and Parts

Paddle to the Sea — Score and Parts

Sunny X - Score and Parts

Soulfood (Quintet) - Score and Parts

Situations Suite - Score and parts

"Derivative" from "Perspective" - Score and Parts

Kodama - Score and parts

Silversmith - Score and Parts

Reaction Yield - Score and Parts

Soulfood - Score and Parts

“Paradigm” from “Perspective” - Score and Parts

Perfectly Voiceless - Score and Parts

"Obscure" from "Perspective" - Score and Parts

...hence the term, well adjusted. - Score and Parts (PDF)

Press for 10 players - Score and Parts

"Duality" from "Perspective" - Score and Parts

(mal)Adaptive Strategies toward Acceptance - Score and Parts

Press - Score and Parts

Ordering-instincts - Score and Parts

"Dissonance" from "Perspective" - Score and Parts

"Fourth Perspective" from "Perspective" — Score and Parts

"Embryo" from Perspective - Score and Parts

No Parking Anytime - Score and parts

Tomorrow / Today